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A really good knife makes all the difference in the Arctic everyday life

Here you’ll find hunting, fishing, and knives for an active outdoor lifestyle. An active everyday life in our Arctic climate calls for a practical knife of fine quality.


A durable, high-quality hunting or fishing knife will look great on your belt or backpack and will last for years. A handmade knife from Sweden is a great investment, enhancing every experience of the great outdoors.

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A sharp knife for your fishing trip

 When out fishing, the quality of your knife is as important as the fishing rod and bait. A high-quality knife stays sharp for years. You can use it for cutting entangled fishing lines, for whittling, and of course, for cleaning that whopper of a fish you just caught.


A high-quality blade that can be sharpened in no time, combined with a handle that fits perfectly in your hand, makes a great fishing knife.


Find the craft

Knifes for an active outdoor life 

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Mushroom knife

Mushroom knife made of curly birch and reindeer antler, with a stylish knife sheath in naturally tanned reindeer leather.

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Outdoor knife

Quality knife in reindeer antler and pressed bark, with a blade made of carbon steel. 



Knives for the Arctic lifestyle created by Karesuandokniven


A hunting knife will come in handy in a lot of situations. For instance, when splitting wood to make a fire, when raising your energy levels by cutting yourself a piece of dried meat, or when handling wild game meat after a successful hunting trip. A good hunting knife always comes equipped with a leather loop so that you can attach it easily to your belt, keeping your knife, protected by its leather sheath, close at hand at all times.

How to care for your knife

A well-kept knife will last for many years. It’s important to keep your hunting or fishing knife sharpened and clean. A handmade knife is best cleaned by hand, and never in a dishwasher. The dishwasher will dry out the wooden handle and dull the blade. Also make sure to keep the knife’s leather sheath clean, remembering to grease it every now and then to keep it supple. The blades of the knives we stock can handle being sharpened over and over again, keeping your knife razor sharp at all times. There are many great easy-to-use knife-sharpening tools out there, you just have to find the one you like best.

Sharpening a knife is a skill well worth learning, as it’ll help you keep your outdoor knife in great condition. Keep in mind that a dull knife can slip more easily when cutting something, which might increase the risk of getting hurt. Make sure to always bring a first-aid kit with you on your adventures, just to be safe. Happy hunting and fishing!

Always keep your hunting knife on your belt

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