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Boiling coffee that is boiled oven an open fire

Coffee is best boiled over an open fire, with fresh water from a brook in the mountains. It is something of an art to make really good boiled coffee, but a little trick is to add a pinch of salt, or some pieces of dried reindeer meat, for flavor. 

A well-balanced dark-roasted boiled coffee is best enjoyed by an open fire or infront of a crackling fire place deep in the forest. It is a sensational taste experience, like the night fog over a river, that slowly darkens your soul. 

Lemmelkaffe Markus Lemke.jpg

Have you heard the story about Lemmelkaffe?

Gällivare to Africa round trip

Have you heard about the lemmings from northern Sweden, more specifically the areas around Gällivare, making it all the way to Africa? Grab a coffee bean each, float back to their home above the Arctic Circle with the Gulf Stream, and once back in Sweden- roast each bean to perfection, using their own body heat. 

Before Lemmelkaffe founders Markus Lemke and Rolf Nylinder first met with them, the lemmings were seen as aggressive little critters. When all they really wanted was to share their delicious dark roast kokkaffe (boiled coffee) with the world. A world that was drowning in instant coffee, lattés, and macchiatos.

So it's said - and the ones who believe, they know! 

Krav-labeled boiling coffee

Krav-labeled boiling coffee is made from beans that have been allowed to grow without artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. It also provides an extraordinary taste experience. Especially when boiled over an open fire.

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Boil coffee

Boil organic coffee over an open fire

Coffee is best boiled over an open fire, with fresh water from a brook in the mountains.


It is something of an art to make really good boiled coffee, but a little trick is to add a pinch of salt, or some pieces of dried reindeer meat, for flavor. 

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Lemmelkaffe ekologiskt kokkaffe.jpg


Lemmelkaffe is the company from Gällivare that has given boiling coffee hysteria to whole Sweden. They are the savior of the outdoor community and the barista's biggest fear. From the mountains to the subway - everywhere there is talk about the boiling coffee from northern Sweden. The coffee that should be drunk over an open fire, and during complete silence. 

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