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The Eplaros brand is run by Emma Jansson from Hultsfred, Sweden. Eplaros products are known for their cute, playful illustrations of animals and plants, inspired by Swedish nature.

Emma herself is a photographer, illustrator and graphic designer. Founded by Emma in 2008, Eplaros offers a range of products (useful everyday items, children’s books, gift items etc.).

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Love from Laplands favorites from Eplaros

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Enamel mugs

Eplaros enamel mugs with human's best friend are all dog lovers favorite!

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Children's books

Beautifully illustrated children's books about animals, nature and country life from Eplaros.

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The multiscarfs with prints by Eplaros is available in various patterns and colors.


The Icelandic Sweetbriar Rose

Emma Jansson, founder of the brand Eplaros, lives on a small farm in Hultsfred in the south of Sweden, together with her partner and their two hunting dogs. Every year, Emma spends a few weeks in southern Lapland, in the Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve.

The word Eplarós means Sweetbriar Rose in Icelandic. In Swedish, Sweetbriar Rose translates into “Apple rose”, which is why Emma’s signature is an apple half. See if you can spot it in her designs!


"Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by nature. Changing scenery from the deep forests of southern Sweden to the flora and fauna of Lapland has inspired to many new illustration and design."

The history behind Eplaros

From the forest in southern & north Sweden

The inspiration for Emma’s designs comes from Swedish nature, and from her love for the Icelandic horse. Her illustrations include everything from forests, patterns, farm yards, Icelandic horses, wild and/or tame animals, to hunting and fishing inspired themes. Oftentimes her art captures an encounter she’s had, sprinkled with imagination and fantasy of course.

Discover more clothing from brands with their heart north of the Arctic Circle

We have a bunch of amazing brands in the north, who creates clothing for the Arctic lifestyle, that are just as good on the moose hunt as in the anthill (The big cities).

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